Helllloo everyone ... it is that time of year again the annual Jo's Christmas Blog Hop post and when having a wee squeak with her the other day it is her 10th year of doing it too :)
sooo the theme this year is to post something christmassy or winter themed stitching that you have done and to pick a book that you like to read at this time of year ... either to yourself, a small person etc etc etc
Well that bit was easy for me .... "T'was the night before Christmas"..... when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even the mouse ..... this year I have already read this to my wee grandson and will no doubt read it again before the big day .. he doesn't understand it as of yet but he likes to listen to me read to him and look at the bright coloured pictures
The stitching is a wee bit harder as I have done sooooo many ..lol so I shall just bob the kettle on while I peruse my photos and pick something for your delight
Both pieces I did for exchanges last year and I did the Merry Christmas one for me as well to hang on my own ornament tree when I eventually get one :)
soooo I shall leave you for now ... please bob along and see what everyone else has chosen by clicking on the link above to Jo's blog and choosing the blog address's under the doors :)
take care one and all and I will squeak to you all again soon :) love mouse xxxxx